Monday, February 15, 2010

What Does Fungus Look Like What Does The Fungus On Cory Eggs Look Like?

What does the fungus on cory eggs look like? - what does fungus look like

How is the fungus to grow in eggs can? Cory seems to have my eggs to algae on them is this fungus? and how can I know?


Mezmoco said...

Others are blurred fungi. In this article, there are a few photos of healthy eggs. Read the article if you want, if you plan on education, is the perfect place to start. If you have further questions, please feel free to join this forum and ask questions! :) ...

EDIT: No, I have mushrooms in them, are practically dead. You know when you mushrooms in them. If we see the pictures in the previous article that you are, what is a healthy egg. If it is soft and has some (no matter how it seems to grow) in it, remove the eggs from others, because they will hatch. The best thing to do is keep a steady stream flowing over the eggs, so that nothing can be solvedin him.

Black Kat said...

Healthy eggs are clearly soft on the outside and a small ... Egg Fungus blurred [probably as algae, see what works for you].

Fun51 said...

The healthy and fertile eggs soft. The fungi appear to be covered with cotton or other very fine fibers.

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